Are you having trouble with your Chromebook keyboard not working? If so, don’t worry – this is a common issue and there are some simple steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the different methods of fixing a Chromebook keyboard that’s not working properly.

We’ll cover everything from restarting your device to performing hardware updates, as well as important safety tips when dealing with any potential tech issues.

Common Causes for Chromebook keyboard not working

If your Chromebook’s keyboard isn’t working properly, there may be some underlying software or hardware problems causing the issue.

Let us explore these possibilities in more detail below:

Common causes of Chromebook keyboard not working
Info graphics: Common causes of Chromebook keyboard not working

Software-Related Issues:

1- Outdated Chrome OS: It is important to keep your Chromebook up-to-date with the latest version of Chrome OS.

An outdated version can cause compatibility issues with other apps, resulting in errors such as a malfunctioning keyboard.

2- Issues With Chrome Apps: If you are using any third-party apps on your Chromebook, it is possible that there are compatibility issues. This can cause your keyboard to become unresponsive or not functioning properly.

3- Corrupted Cache: Chrome OS stores a lot of temporary data such as cookies and cached files in the background.

Over time, these files can accumulate or get corrupted which may lead to errors including a malfunctioning keyboard.

Hardware-Related Issues

1- Physical Damage: If you have any physical damage to your Chromebook’s keyboard, it can cause keys to become unresponsive or even stop working entirely.

You should inspect the physical keyboard for any signs of damage or debris that may be interfering with its functioning.

2- Connections and Cables: If there are any loose connections or cables, it may cause your keyboard not to work properly. You should check all the physical connections and cables to make sure they are securely connected and in good condition.

3- Faulty Components: Sometimes, individual components of your Chromebook’s keyboard can become faulty due to wear and tear or other factors.

In this case, you may need to replace the faulty component if you want the keyboard to start working again.

Troubleshooting Steps to fix Chromebook keyboard that’s not working

Now that we have looked at some of the possible causes for a malfunctioning Chromebook keyboard, let us discuss some troubleshooting steps that you can take to try and fix the issue.

Troubleshooting Steps to fix Chromebook keyboard that's not working
Troubleshooting Steps to fix Chromebook keyboard that’s not working

Fixing Software-Related Issues

1- Update Chrome OS and Apps: The first step should be to make sure that your Chrome OS and all the apps installed on it are up-to-date.

You can check for new updates in the settings or “About Chrome” section of your Chromebook.

2- Powerwash the Chromebook: If updating the Chrome OS and apps does not fix your Chromebook keyboard issue, you may need to perform a powerwash on your device. This will reset all of its settings back to their defaults.

3- Reset Keyboard Settings: If you have recently changed any of your keyboard’s settings, such as language or layout, this might be causing problems with its functioning.

You can try resetting these settings back to their defaults in order to see if that helps.

Fixing Hardware-Related Issues

1- Clean the Keyboard: Dust and debris can accumulate on your Chromebook’s keyboard over time, blocking some of its components from functioning properly.

To fix this, you should clean the keys on your Chromebook using a damp cloth or compressed air.

2- Reconnect Connections: If there are any loose connections or cables inside your Chromebook, you should try tightening them up or reconnecting them to make sure everything is securely in place.

You can also check for any frayed wires that may be causing issues with the keyboard’s functioning.

3- Replace Faulty Components: If all else fails, it may be necessary to replace any faulty components of your Chromebook’s keyboard in order to get it working again.

You can either take it to a professional or buy the replacement part and install it yourself.

These are some of the possible causes and solutions for a malfunctioning Chromebook keyboard. If you follow these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to get your keyboard back working properly in no time.

Chromebook keyboard not working after tablet mode?

If your Chromebook’s keyboard stops working after switching to tablet mode, this may be due to the fact that some of its components are disabled while in this mode.

To fix this issue, you should try turning off tablet mode and then checking if the keyboard works again.

If not, then you may need to perform a powerwash or reset some of the keyboard settings to get it working properly.

Additionally, you may also want to try adjusting the sensitivity of the touchscreen or checking for any loose connections that might be causing this issue.

If all else fails, then you may need to take your Chromebook to a professional for further assistance.

Chromebook keyboard not working after getting wet?

If your Chromebook’s keyboard stops working after it gets wet, you should immediately power off the device and then unplug all of its cables. After that, you should remove the battery and dry the keyboard with a cloth or paper towel.

Once everything is completely dry, you should try to turn on the device again and check if the keyboard is functioning properly. If not, then you may need to take it to a professional for further assistance.

Additionally, if your Chromebook got submerged in water, then you should also have it serviced by a technician as soon as possible to avoid any more damage that the liquid might cause.

Chromebook keyboard not working only touchscreen?

If only the touch screen on your Chromebook is working and the keyboard isn’t responding, then this could be due to a variety of different issues.

1. Make sure the key is not stuck: If you feel that a certain key is sticking, then try pressing it multiple times or tapping it lightly on a flat surface. This should do the trick if there’s something wrong with the key itself.

2. Check for hardware issues: Sometimes, hardware issues can cause your Chromebook keyboard to not work properly.

To check for any hardware issues, connect an external keyboard to your device and see if it works properly. If so, then you may need to replace the internal keyboard of your device.

3. Update/restart your device: Updating your Chrome OS to the latest version or restarting your device can help fix any software related issues that may be causing your Chromebook keyboard to not work.

4. Change Settings/Preferences: Some Chromebook users have reported that adjusting their settings and preferences, such as switching between different input languages, can help get their keyboard working again.

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